Episode Synopsis "God's Intent Witnessed"
A sermon from Mark 7:24-37 in a series called "For the Nations."
Listen "God's Intent Witnessed"
More episodes of the podcast Free City Church
- God's Intent Witnessed
- God's Intent Envisioned
- Because God Hates Sin
- God's Intent Sung
- God's Intent Made Known
- Lord, Teach Us to Pray
- Jesus: The Anointed One
- What Christmas Proclaims
- Isaiah's Christmas Message
- Jesus, Our Better Home
- Jesus, Our Better Community
- Jesus, Our Unshakable Kingdom
- Jesus, Our Better Help
- Jesus, The Better Resurrection
- Jesus, The Better Foundation
- Jesus, The Better Confidence
- Jesus, The Better Promise
- Jesus, The Better Hope
- Sower, Seed, and Soils
- Jesus, The Better Assurance
- Jesus, The Better Priest
- Jesus, The Better Rest
- Jesus, The Better Me
- Jesus, The Better Word - Hebrews 1:1-2:4
- Jesus Is Worthy - Revelation 5:1-11
- Darkness, My Only Friend - Psalm 88:1-18
- Abide in the True Vine - John 15:1-11
- Sing to the Lord - Psalm 95:1-11
- When God Hides - Psalm 102:1-28
- Note to Self - Psalm 103:1-22
- Living Sacrifice - Romans 12:1-2
- God of Vengeance - Psalm 94:1-23
- No Fear - Psalm 91:1-16
- Before the Mountains - Psalm 90:1-17
- Our Wonderful God - Psalm 86:1-17
- Questioning the Goodness of God - Psalm 85:1-13
- The Unlikely Road of Jacob - Genesis 48:8-22
- Forgiveness & Reconciliation - Genesis 33:1-17
- God & Me - Genesis 32:22-32
- Wounds & Wants - Genesis 29:15-35
- Heaven & Earth - Genesis 28:10-22
- Blessing & Curses - Genesis 27:18-34
- A Ready Witness
- Into Life (Easter) - Matthew 28:1-20
- Into the Hands of Sinners - Matthew 26:47-57
- Into The Garden - Matthew 26:36-46
- Into Judgement - Matthew 25:14-30
- Into The Upper Room - Matthew 26:17-29
- Into Jerusalem - Matthew 21:1-17
- Into The Afterlife - Matthew 22:23-33
- Into Salvation - Matthew 22:1-14
- Into The Kingdom - Matthew 21:28-42
- The Power to Change - Luke 11:17-28
- Our Inheritance - Neither Earned nor Taken Away - Luke 10:25-42
- The Promise Keeping God - Psalms 105:26-45
- Jesus: The Fullness of God - John 1:1-18, 29 (Advent 4/4)
- Jesus: The Gift of God - John 1:1-18, 29 (Advent 3/4)
- Jesus: The Light of God - John 1:1-18, 29 (Advent 2/4)
- Jesus: The Word of God - John 1:1-18, 29 (Advent 1/4)
- Life Together: Jesus & Greed - Matthew 19:16-30
- Marriage, Divorce & Singleness - Matthew 19:1-12
- Life Together: Forgiveness - Matthew 18:21-35
- Life Together: Confront - Matthew 18:15-20
- Life Together: Protect - Matthew 18:1-14
- The Valley & Jesus - Matthew 17:14-23
- The Mountain & Jesus - Matthew 17:1-13
- The Pastor
- Who is Jesus? - Matthew 16:13-27
- Doubt & Jesus - Matthew 14:13-33
- Keep Answering Jesus’ Call - John 21:1-19
- True Prosperity - Revelation 3:14-22
- Sin, Grace & Change - 2 Chronicles 33:1-20
- The Wilderness, A Rock & Honey - Psalm 81:1-16
- The God of Covenant - Psalm 79:1-13
- A Table in the Wilderness - Psalm 78:1-19
- The Search of the Soul - Psalm 77:1-20
- When I Doubt - Psalm 73:13-28
- Jesus the Good King - Psalm 72:1-20
- When Jesus Encounters Sin - Matthew 9:1-8
- When Jesus Encounters Demons - Matthew 8:28-34
- When Jesus Encounters the Storms - Matthew 8:18-27
- When Jesus Encounters Sickness - Matthew 8:1-17
- To Seek and Save the Lost - Luke 19:1-10
- Good News Rejected - Luke 4:14-30
- John 20:1-18
- Jesus Teaches: Only through Him - Matthew 7:15-29
- God Only Gives Good Gifts - Matthew 7:7-14
- Jesus Teaches: Money and Possessions (Pt. 2) - Matthew 6:19-34
- Providence and the Call to Topeka
- God Is For Us - Romans 8:31-39
- Jesus Teaches: Money and Possessions (Pt. 1) - Matthew 6:19-34
- Jesus Teaches: My Treasures - Matthew 6:1-21
- Enemies and Retaliation - Matthew 5:38-48
- Jesus Teaches: Divorce and Promises - Matthew 5:31-37
- Salt and Light - Matthew 5:11-16
- True Happiness - Matthew 5:1-12
- Psalm 66
- God's Kingdom Come - Matthew 2:1-23
- Jesus Christ, God With Us - Matthew 1:1-25
- Christ, Our Rock - Psalm 61