An Interview With Ivy Leaguer Leyla Giordano

An Interview With Ivy Leaguer Leyla Giordano


14/10/2021 4:20PM

Episode Synopsis "An Interview With Ivy Leaguer Leyla Giordano"

Welcome to Enriched, a podcast dedicated to parents and caregivers who care about education.    Today we embark on our Ivy League Admissions series, where we interview current Ivy League students and hear about their educational journeys right to the top. We start at the very beginning - those early childhood years - and hear about the pivotal experiences with family, friends, and, of course, school, that helped shaped these young people into successful young adults.   Today’s guest is Leyla Giordano, a “survivor” of the Trinity School, an elite prep school located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. BUT lest you think this story is one of privilege, listen closely. Leyla talks about the elbow grease she put in to her academics, her true passion for helping children learn the Classics, and having to make sacrifices with extracurriculars to keep her head in the game.   Take a listen to hear Leyla’s journey and the personal qualities that shepherded her through her 12 year journey to Brown University. Want to learn more about how you can support your child during their educational journey? Consider enlisting Enrichednyc as your school consultants.  Email us for more information at [email protected]. Find out more at or check us out on Instagram @enrichednyc

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