Episode Synopsis "Emmie The Story Lady . "A Special Goose""
This Brothers Grimm folk tale,, also known as The Golden Goose, is an illustration of the Golden Rule, or karma, if you want to get modern.
Listen "Emmie The Story Lady . "A Special Goose""
More episodes of the podcast Emmie The Story Lady
- Emmie The Story Lady "Snow White"
- Emmie The Story Lady "The Frog Prince"
- Emmie The Story Lady "The Emperor's New Clothes"
- Emmie The Story Lady "The Princess and The Pea"
- Emmie The Story Lady . "Rumplestiltskin"
- Emmie The Story Lady "Little Red Riding Hood"
- Emmie The Story Lady . "A Special Goose"
- Emmie The Story Lady "Twelve Princesses"
- Emmie The Story Lady "Puss'N'Boots"
- Emmie The Story Lady "The Turnip"