Episode Synopsis "The Beach Lifeguard - A Profile"
In this Podcast I provide some insights to the FT Year round job of a Beach Lifeguard. Learn about the hiring process, the training, and the lifestyle of the Beach Lifeguard. I provide my insight having worked Full Time as a Beach Lifeguard and as the former Beach Patrol Chief of Sarasota County Florida. My insight is a very intimate look at this job.
Listen "The Beach Lifeguard - A Profile"
More episodes of the podcast Ayers Academy
- The Beach Lifeguard - A Profile
- Run Talk #4. Hit the Reset Button.
- Clarity on the Use of Choke Holds by Law Enforcement
- Run Talk #3. How to Make it Work!
- Run Talk #2. Use This Mental Technique to Achieve Your Goals!
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- The 5 Principles of Fitness
- Benefits of Karate Training
- The 5 Principles of Self Defense Training