Episode Synopsis ""Aidan and Lindisfarne""
This lecture follows up "The Conversion of the Anglo-Saxons."
Listen ""Aidan and Lindisfarne""
More episodes of the podcast Auburn Avenue Presbyterian Church-History Podcast
- "Medieval Theology: The Invocation of the Saints"
- "Mariolatry" by Pastor Steve Wilkins
- "Medieval Sacramentology" by Pastor Steve Wilkins
- Pastor Wilkins Interview - St. Nicholas & Celebrating Advent & Christmas - Part 2
- Pastor Wilkins Interview - St. Nicholas & Celebrating Advent & Christmas - Part 1
- "America's Forgotten Hero: Israel Putnam"
- "Taxation & Tyranny"
- "The Life of Bucer" with Interview About Bucer Institute
- "The 12 Days of Christmas"
- "George Whitefield" - Part 2
- "George Whitefield" - Part 1
- "Aidan and Lindisfarne"
- "The Great Awakenings" - Part 2
- "The Great Awakenings" - Part 1
- The Conversion of the Anglo-Saxons
- The Life of St. Nicholas
- Gregory the Great and the Rise of the Papacy
- The History of Nicea
- The Life of Ambrose
- The Life of Athanasius Part Two
- "The Life of Athanasius"
- "Constantine the Great"
- "The Church of the Second and Third Centuries"
- "Why Study Church History?"