Episode Synopsis ""The 12 Days of Christmas""
Pastor Wilkins reminds us of the importance of the Christian Calendar and especially the importance of the season of Christmas. He looks at the History of the 12 Days of Christmas in the Church. This is a most interesting and encouraging talk. (December of 2005)
Listen ""The 12 Days of Christmas""
More episodes of the podcast Auburn Avenue Presbyterian Church-History Podcast
- "Medieval Theology: The Invocation of the Saints"
- "Mariolatry" by Pastor Steve Wilkins
- "Medieval Sacramentology" by Pastor Steve Wilkins
- Pastor Wilkins Interview - St. Nicholas & Celebrating Advent & Christmas - Part 2
- Pastor Wilkins Interview - St. Nicholas & Celebrating Advent & Christmas - Part 1
- "America's Forgotten Hero: Israel Putnam"
- "Taxation & Tyranny"
- "The Life of Bucer" with Interview About Bucer Institute
- "The 12 Days of Christmas"
- "George Whitefield" - Part 2
- "George Whitefield" - Part 1
- "Aidan and Lindisfarne"
- "The Great Awakenings" - Part 2
- "The Great Awakenings" - Part 1
- The Conversion of the Anglo-Saxons
- The Life of St. Nicholas
- Gregory the Great and the Rise of the Papacy
- The History of Nicea
- The Life of Ambrose
- The Life of Athanasius Part Two
- "The Life of Athanasius"
- "Constantine the Great"
- "The Church of the Second and Third Centuries"
- "Why Study Church History?"