Episode Synopsis "Receta: Enrollado de carne || Recipe: Meatloaf roll"
https://3speak.tv/watch?v=alvaradofran/wzcdrnnm ¡Hola! El día de hoy te ensenare a preparar un delicioso enrollado de carne, una receta divertida de hacer y con pocos ingredientes. Esta vez me anime a hacer un video del proceso así que no dejes de verlo. Hi! Today I'm going to show you how to make a delicious meatloaf roll, a fun recipe to make and with few ingredients. This time I decided to make a video of the process so be sure to check it out. INGREDIENTES INGREDIENTS | Ingredientes: | | --- | | 500 gramos de carne | | 3 huevos | | Rebanadas de jamon | | Rebanadas de queso| | Pan rallado | | Ingredients: | | --- | | | | 500 grams of meat | | 3 eggs | | Slices of ham | | Slices of cheese | | Bread crumbs | | Slices of cheese | CARACTERISTICAS CHARACTERISTICS | TIEMPO DE PREPARACION| CANTIDAD| DIFICULTAD | | --- | --- | --- | | 1 hora y media | 8 porciones| Media | | PREPARATION TIME| QUANTITY | DIFFICULTY | | --- | --- | --- | | 1 Hour and a half | 8 slices | Medium|