Episode Synopsis "Smile"
Débora Menieur Nunez and Chinemelu Elonu talk about the Power of a Smile! Hope isn't something that just happens without effort, I think the ways that we can inspire hope to those in our families, friends, workplace and even strangers are pretty simple and we already know them. The simplest way to inspire hope without even a word is a smile. A smile does many things not only for you but others. The term smiling is contagious is very much true. The benefits of smiling are improved energy, mood, and overall health.* One smile is all it takes to turn someone's bad day into a better one. * One smile is all it takes to make a positive change in the world. * One smile can make a powerful impact that we can't immediately notice SMILE : )Find out more about "Virtual Classrooms of Hope" https://go.rallyup.com/hopeforuscharity/ Merchandise: The Hope For Us Charity: https://www.hopeforuscharity.org/shop Agent of Hope: https://www.bonfire.com/store/agentof... Chinemelu Elonu: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chinemeluelonu Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chinemeluelonu Twitter: https://twitter.com/chinemeluelonuHope For Us Charity: https://www.hopeforuscharity.org Débora Menieur Nunez:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dmenieurnunez Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dmenieurnunez/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/dmenieurnunez Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/deboramenieurnunezWeb: https://www.debora.online