Episode Synopsis "When a Toddler Joins Your Family"
Today one of our hosts, Amy Bagwell, is sharing about her experience in adopting a toddler. She briefly tells her story, then gives many valuable tips for adding a toddler or adolescent to your family. She talks about surviving the first night home, finding an adoption competent pediatrician, cocooning, and more. We hope you will feel prepared & armed with helpful tips after this episode. This episode will be valuable to those who are open to adopting a toddler or adolescent, and even to foster parents. Amy Bagwell: @ahbagwell Macie Perreault: @adoptwell Before you go, please leave an honest review & share your thoughts on social media with #AdoptWellPodcast. www.AdoptWell.com
Listen "When a Toddler Joins Your Family"
More episodes of the podcast Adopt Well Podcast
- Creating an Adoption Profile
- Telling Your Child Their Story
- Adoption Informed Counseling
- For Friends and Family
- Creating Cultural Connections in International Adoption
- Are You Ready to Adopt?
- Waiting Well
- Saying Yes to Foster Care
- Expectant Mother Expenses
- Think Before You Post
- Home Study: A Practical Guide
- Transracial Adoption & Multiethnic Families
- Embryo Adoption
- Adoption & Christianity
- Reunification: An Adoptee's Perspective
- When a Toddler Joins Your Family
- Navigating a Closed Adoption
- The Birth Mother Grief Cycle
- Welcome to the Adopt Well Podcast