Episode Synopsis "Expectant Mother Expenses"
Expectant mother expenses is a loaded topic of conversation. Talking about money is always a sensitive topic, but it’s necessary to understand. Oftentimes, the season that hopeful adoptive parents are paying these expenses, is the same season that they’re building a lifelong relationship. Understanding these expenses legally, ethically, and emotionally is crucial for a healthy start. We sat down with Ashley Mitchell from Lifetime Healing and had a great conversation on expectant mother expenses - what they cover, if they’re necessary, and what questions you can ask about them. In this episode, we told you we would link some questions from Lifetime Healing to ask an agency - here you go. Connect with Adopt Well: www.AdoptWell.com @AdoptWell [email protected] Ashley Mitchell @bigtoughgirl www.LifetimeHealingAdoption.com
Listen "Expectant Mother Expenses"
More episodes of the podcast Adopt Well Podcast
- Creating an Adoption Profile
- Telling Your Child Their Story
- Adoption Informed Counseling
- For Friends and Family
- Creating Cultural Connections in International Adoption
- Are You Ready to Adopt?
- Waiting Well
- Saying Yes to Foster Care
- Expectant Mother Expenses
- Think Before You Post
- Home Study: A Practical Guide
- Transracial Adoption & Multiethnic Families
- Embryo Adoption
- Adoption & Christianity
- Reunification: An Adoptee's Perspective
- When a Toddler Joins Your Family
- Navigating a Closed Adoption
- The Birth Mother Grief Cycle
- Welcome to the Adopt Well Podcast