What would you ask your CrossFit coach if you had a few minutes before or after class? Our short podcasts wil answer the pressing questions you have been wanting to ask, but haven't had the chance. Coach Dennis and the staff at CrossFit 133 will give their perspectives on your questions on CrossFit, nutrition, and general wellness.
Latest episodes of the podcast A Few Minutes With the Coach
- A few minutes with the coach episode 2
- What makes a coachable athlete?
- How old is too old for CrossFit?
- Getting ready for the 2020 CrossFit Open.
- Can you tell us more about Box Programming? What’s the best day for my rest day?
- What’s up with the new Spin Studio? Can you give us a little background on Box Programming?
- Why do I need to set goals and track my workouts?
- Should I be going all out for every CrossFit workout I do?
- How can I minimize my risk for injury?
- Is CrossFit really for everyone?