Episode Synopsis "Superfudge, Chapter 7: "A Very Cultured Bird""
Hello Year 5! On chapter 7, Fudge gets a very nice treat from his parents: a myna bird! He has finally got his own pet! Fudge's bird is not an ordinary bird, it has an interesting feature. What do you think his bird can do? To find out what is this special feature, you've got to listen to today's chapter, brought to you by Ms. Aline. Love, Y5 teachers.
Listen "Superfudge, Chapter 7: "A Very Cultured Bird""
More episodes of the podcast Year 5 Read Alouds
- Superfudge, Chapter 12: "Tootsie Speaks Out”
- Superfudge, Chapter 10: "Santa WHO?"
- Superfudge, Chapter 8: "Naturally Fortified"
- Superfudge, Chapter 7: "A Very Cultured Bird"
- Superfudge, chapter 6: “Farley Drexel Meets Rat Face”
- Superfudge, chapter 5: “Small Ones are Sweeter”
- Superfudge, chapter 4: "Off the Wall"
- Superfudge, chapter 3: "Another Something Wonderful"
- Superfudge, chapter 2: "Cutchie-Cutchie-Coo"
- Superfudge by Judy Blume. Chapter 1 - Guess What, Peter?