Superfudge, chapter 2: "Cutchie-Cutchie-Coo"

Superfudge, chapter 2: "Cutchie-Cutchie-Coo"

Year 5 Read Alouds

07/04/2020 2:17PM

Episode Synopsis "Superfudge, chapter 2: "Cutchie-Cutchie-Coo""

Hello Year 5! On today's chapter, we will get to know the new Hatcher baby!  Do you think it's a boy or a girl? Can you think of possible names? How do you think Fudge will react to the baby once he/she is born? Will Fudge get jealous? Well, to find out what happens you've got to listen to chapter 2 - "Cutchie-Cutchie-Coo". Today's chapter is brought to you by Ms. Paula Lameu, she loves Fudge and his craziness just like you all do. Enjoy it!

Listen "Superfudge, chapter 2: "Cutchie-Cutchie-Coo""

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