Episode Synopsis "32 - A Compilation of Hope from our Jesuit Retreat Directors"
Thoughtful and inspiring audio reflections pertaining to the current COVID-19 situation by Fr. David Meconi, SJ, Fr. Chris Collins, SJ and Fr. Ronny O'Dwyer, SJ. Each of these priests are frequent guest retreat directors at White House Retreat in St. Louis, MO. Video versions of each of these videos is available at www.whretreat.org/video
Listen "32 - A Compilation of Hope from our Jesuit Retreat Directors"
More episodes of the podcast White House Retreat Podcast
- Tom Weston SJ presents "Using Ignatian Spirituality to Recover"
- 33 - Feast of the Sacred Heart with Sr. Virginia Herbers ASCJ
- 32 - A Compilation of Hope from our Jesuit Retreat Directors
- 31 - Sr. Virginia Herbers, ASCJ "Standing at the Foot of the Cross"
- 30 - Lent Day of Prayer 3 of 3
- 29 - Lent Day of Prayer 2 of 3
- 28 - Lent Day of Prayer 1 of 3
- 27 - Fr. Tom Weston Retreat Talk 8
- 26 - Fr. Tom Weston SJ Retreat Talk 2
- 25 - Fr. Chris Collins SJ Advent Day of Prayer
- 24- Fr. Joe Laramie SJ Lecture Series Talk 2019
- 23 - Fr. Joe Laramie SJ retreat talk 4
- 22- Fr. Joe Laramie SJ retreat talk 2
- 21 - Fr. Rich Buhler SJ Retreat Talk 2
- 20 - Fr. Tom Weston - 10 Practical Suggestions for Living Clean and Sober in Modern America
- 19 - Fr. Anthony Wieck Retreat Talk 3
- 18 - Fr. Joe Tetlow SJ - Retreat Talk 4
- 17- Holy Week Reflection by Fr. Ralph Huse, SJ
- 16 - Fr. James Kubicki on the Missionary Spirit of Pierre DeSmet
- 15 - Ash Wednesday Reflection
- 14 - Fr. Joe Damhorst SJ - Retreat Conference
- 13- Fr. Ralph Huse Retreat Talks 9 & 10
- 12 - Advent Day of Prayer with Fr. Anthony Wieck SJ
- 11 - Fr. Ralph Huse Retreat Talks 7 & 8
- 10 - Fr. Ted Arroyo "The Spiritual Exercises: Good News in Difficult Times"
- 9 - Fr. Ralph Huse Retreat Talks 5 & 6
- 8 - Fr. Ralph Huse Retreat Talks 3 & 4
- 7 - Fr. Ralph Huse Retreat Talks 1 & 2
- 6- Fr. Robert Murphy "Why did God let this happen to me? Praying through sickness and suffering"
- 5 - Fr. Anthony Wieck - Retreat Conference
- 4 - Fr. Francis Ryan - "To Be of Some Help to My Neighbor: A Jesuit in Hospital Chaplaincy"
- 3 - Fr. Tom Weston - "Jesuits and the 12 Steps: A Practical Spirituality of Gratitude and Service"
- 2 - Fr. Joe Tetlow- Retreat Conference
- 1- Fr. Casey Beaumier - "On Earth as it is in Heaven: The Spiritual Exercises for Daily Life"