WCBC Student Revival podcast features sermon audios from the Student Revival services of West Coast Baptist College in Lancaster, CA. The Student Revival services of West Coast Baptist College exist for the sole purpose of reviving the hearts of the student body through the preaching of God’s Word by fellow students. These sermons will encourage and challenge the heart of any Christian longing for revival.
Latest episodes of the podcast WCBC Student Revival
- It Is Time- Nathan Birt
- Hungry for Healing- Conner Gaul
- Excuse Me, Sir, the Doctor Will See You Now- Daniel Smith
- Do You Miss Me?- Zak Youngren
- Notwithstanding- Micah Self
- The Revival of the Wicked- Tim Taylor
- The Place of Revival- Matt Hodge
- Hide and Go Seek with God- Tyler Cherry
- Do You See What God Sees?- Garan Patrick
- Keys to Personal Revival- Abram Thomas
- Moses: The Meekest Man Alive- Bill Kemery
- Where Is the Evidence?- Joseph Smith
- You Can't Do It- Nathan Birt
- The Hope of Revival- Jonathan Salas
- If My People- Eric Goetsch