SPC-Special Prayer Week- 10/26-11/6 -6am

SPC-Special Prayer Week- 10/26-11/6 -6am

Vision Temple 6am Prayer Mon & Fri.

26/10/2015 2:01AM

Episode Synopsis "SPC-Special Prayer Week- 10/26-11/6 -6am"

SPC -Specific Prayer Week has been designed to combat what has been termed Halloween Week, but all in all it is a prompting or urgency to sacrifice some specifics in prayer with certain scriptures to be prayed. During this week of prayer we are to take the first 5 minutes or so reciting/meditating on the scriptures. We are to pray for the points of prayer, (which is posted below along with the scriptures for that day Remember to pray as you are lead the points of prayer are important and should be covered, but there may be a pressing point of prayer not known to us so, please inbox it to me. THIS IS A TIME FOR DEEP SACRIFICE -DO NOT TAKE IT LIGHTLY (YOU MAY NOT CAN COMMIT EVERY MORNING......ADJUST YOUR SCHEDULE FOR SOME TIME The Line is open for us to pray individually, however if you do not feel the unction to pray, please do not feel pressured. I will lead the prayer,at the pause jump right in (pause will only last 5 sec).

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