Episode Synopsis "Unwinding with Bradley, postively, look after yourself, lookout for you and family "
This episode might contain some swearing and might contain some mental health issues. The mental health and anxiety and depression talks are in this episode. Sorry about not being around much life is a lot at the moment and keep up being amazing to all. Many thanks for your time and support and patience all from Unwinding with Bradley all 😊❤️
Listen "Unwinding with Bradley, postively, look after yourself, lookout for you and family "
More episodes of the podcast Unwinding with Bradley
- Progression With Ghostmoon86
- Unwinding with Bradley/ we will be back shortly
- Acceptance with Ghostmoon86
- Community, feel good, be yourself don't be someone different
- Unwinding with Bradley, life isn't simple, put confidence in yourself
- Unwinding with Bradley/positively/littleyum/communities/you for you
- Unwinding with Bradley, postively, look after yourself, lookout for you and family
- Unwinding with Bradley, Drw_Live last episode of the series 1, more to come for series 2.
- Unwinding with Bradley, Drw_Live, follow up part two
- Unwinding with Bradley, Part One, with Drw_Live
- Unwinding with Bradley, Drw_Live take over
- Unwinding with Bradley, Self Confidence, self of steam, masks and all sorts
- Unwinding with Bradley, follow up
- Unwinding with Bradley, Self Confidence, follow your passion and your dreams
- Unwinding with Bradley, your life matters
- Unwinding with Bradley, Self Confidence, with Drw_Live. How to be in control and gain confidence.
- Unwinding with Bradley, blast from the past with Steffi and Drw_Live.
- Unwinding with Bradley, Self Confidence, overcome fears, losing a love one, Self steam, emotional.
- Unwinding with Bradley, Self Confidence part 2, with Drw_Live??
- Unwinding with Bradley, Talking about self confidance and the pamdemic