Hi! I'm Brenda. I so hoped the Mayans had it right last year - the world should have ended on my 60th birthday! But, they missed it, and I've found that being 60 isn't so scary.........HOWEVER, I have discovered that being 60 and unemployed is a little scary. But when you're kindly, gently (see first post) "let go" with your sweetie, everyday life can be fun! Join us as we navigate the waters of the currently unemployed!!
Latest episodes of the podcast Unemployed Kitchen Diva
- Summer Fun
- Aging
- Cemetery Time
- Coupons & Stuff
- Prom
- Cemeteries & Bunny Rabbits
- Summers
- Graduation
- Meanderings
- Mrs Leakey
- Proper Grammar
- Happy Birthday
- Summertime
- Going to the Zoo
- Cherry Tree
- Stormy Weather
- Mrs Mosher
- The Smokehouse
- Driving
- Mushrooms
- Customer Service
- Easter Eggs
- Wasting Food
- Girl Time
- The Brick Church
- Writing
- Fishing
- Relaxing
- Spring At School
- Paving Paradise
- Boredom
- Quick Money
- Rambling
- What I Do With My Time
- Projects
- Ironing
- Laundry
- Regulations
- Done
- The Need For Green
- I'm Back
- Laundry
- Cooking
- Books
- Meandering
- Trains
- Spring
- City By The Bay
- Chemistry
- Sunday Visits
- Hearts & Flowers
- Traditions
- Figure Skating
- Valentine Parties
- Memories
- Hong Kong Flu
- Snow Days
- Snow
- Music Contest
- Susie Homemaker & Healthcare Marketplace
- Moving
- Seed Catalogs
- Dad's Cooking
- Letter Writing
- Groceries
- More Winter
- Arguing
- Goodbye, Football
- Hair
- One Year In
- Hill Dill
- Libraries
- Food Musings
- The Frozen Cat
- Winter Roads
- Another Happy Birthday
- Basketball Fridays
- Long Breaks
- Happy 35
- Some Assembly Required
- The Cleaning Grinch
- After The Holiday
- After The Holiday
- Merry Christmas
- Family Christmas
- Upgrades
- Holiday Birthdays
- Volunteers
- Kitchen Creativity
- Today's Update
- Winter Weather
- Insurance Update
- Family Christmas Traditions
- Shiny Presents
- Trimming Back
- Christmas Goodies
- School In Winter
- Foggy Memories
- Christmas Programs
- Taxes & Onion Rings
- Christmas Trees
- Creative Success
- Memorable Thanksgivings
- Heaven On Earth
- It's Cold
- Food
- Random Thoughts
- Getting In The Christmas Mood
- Christmas Goodies
- Photos....And The Marketplace
- Blogging & Coping
- Veterans Day
- Trees
- Catalogs
- Habits
- Friends
- School
- Family
- Frames & Mental Blocks
- Computers
- Stormy Weather
- Harvest
- Cookies & Lunch Boxes
- Trick Or Treat Fun
- Chili
- To Work Or Not
- Smells
- Prepared
- Doctors
- Cross Stitching
- Food Tales
- Keeping Up
- Next Year
- It's A Good Thing
- The Government & Computers
- Time & Ornaments
- Grandparents' Day
- Whistling
- Birthday Celebrations
- Pictures
- Wasps & Superintendents
- Places Gone
- Jefferson City Memories
- Antenna Or Satellite?
- Grammar & Compassion
- Fall & Football
- Labor Day, Etc.
- Teachers
- Candles
- Spring Treasures
- Ahead or Behind?
- Shopping Memories
- Kids & Germs