Ep. 2 | Feeling Stuck? Listen to This

Ep. 2 | Feeling Stuck? Listen to This

Uncover the Untold

08/07/2018 9:00AM

Episode Synopsis "Ep. 2 | Feeling Stuck? Listen to This"

Have you ever felt stuck? In a place where you’re frustrated with where you are but also not quite sure about where you want to go next?I know often in the business world, there this idea that we should “just get on with it” and that crying doesn’t solve anything! But I’m a firm believer that our feelings are really important and shouldn’t be ignored.In today's episode I'm sharing some of the things that I do when I find myself in this stuck place and what I like to do to get out of that funk.LET'S CONNECT:+ W E B S I T E: http://uncovertheuntold.com+ F A C E B O O K: http://www.facebook.com/UncoverTheUntold

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