Episode Synopsis "1.Sundays With Mom Episode 1 The Promises Of God part 1"
Episode Notes PLEASE, LISTENER BE ADVISED, AUDIO IS LOW ON MY MOM'S MIC BECAUSE I FORGOT TO TURN ON HER MIC. BUT IT DID GET IT FIXED LATER. PLEASE FORGIVE ME, I'M STILL LEARNING. In the Bible there are 162 Promises of God and in this part 1 episode we are only going to cover five of those promises. Join us as we go through these promises that are for all. Reference: outuponthewaters.com Resources: Bible app Bible Verses: Numbers 23:19 (NASB) and (The Message) John 14:27 Philippians 4:6-7 John 3:16 Nehemiah 8:10 Psalm 32:8 Isaiah 30:21 FOLLOW US and click the bell on Instagram and get notified when we post Instagram-sundays_with_mom