Stories of Ships and the Sea by LONDON, Jack

Armando and Sheila Ramos are the founders of The BTG Movement. After suffering through a divorce in their marriage, they saw the power of God move in a mighty way that restored what seemed impossible. They believe that nothing is or ever will be impossible for God. They are a family on a mission to bring hope to marriages and families. They have a passion for seeing people being restored first back to The Father and out of that intimacy with Him will flow restoration and life to every area of their lives. They believe that through the power of the Holy Spirit, we all have the ability to operate in God’s love, in agape love. He promises to fill us with his Spirit if we ask. And when God’s spirit fills us, his love flows through us. It’s Christ in us the hope of glory. Armando and Sheila believe that we are better together loving one another.

Stories of Ships and the Sea by LONDON, Jack

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