Episode Synopsis "04 – Balin and Balan"
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More episodes of the podcast Stories of King Arthur and His Knights by U. Waldo Cutler
- 00 – Introduction
- 01 – Of the birth of King Arthur
- 02 – Uther’s son, rightwise king of all England
- 03 – How Arthur gat his sword Excalibur
- 04 – Balin and Balan
- 05 – The Noble Order of the Round Table
- 06 – The ladies’ knight
- 07 – Wise Merlin’s foolishness
- 08 – A stag-hunt and what came of it
- 09 – The treachery of Morgan le Fay
- 10 – Sir Launcelot of the Lake
- 11 – A night-time adventure of Sir Launcelot
- 12 – How Launcelot came into the Chapel Perilous
- 13 – The knight, the lady, and the falcon
- 14 – How a kitchen-page came to honour
- 15 – How Sir Gareth fought for the lady of Castle Perilous
- 16 – How Sir Gareth returned to the court of King Arthur
- 17 – How young Tristram saved the life of the queen of Lyonesse
- 18 – Sir Tristram’s first battle
- 19 – Sir Tristram and the fair Isoud
- 20 – How Sir Tristram demanded the fair Isoud for King Mark, and how Sir Tristram and Isoud drank the love potion
- 21 – How Sir Tristram departed from Tintagil, and was long in the forest
- 22 – How King Mark was sorry for the good renown of Sir Tristram
- 23 – How Sir Percivale of Galis sought and found Sir Launcelot
- 24 – Of the coming of Sir Galahad
- 25 – How the quest of the Holy Grail was begun
- 26 – How Galahad gat him a shield
- 27 – Sir Galahad at the Castle of Maidens
- 28 – Sir Launcelot’s repentance
- 29 – Sir Percivale’s temptation
- 30 – The victory of Sir Bors over himself
- 31 – How Sir Launcelot found the Holy Grail
- 32 – The end of the quest
- 33 – Sir Launcelot and the Fair Maid of Astolat
- 34 – Of the great tournament on Candlemas Day
- 35 – Queen Guenever’s May-Day ride and what came of it
- 36 – Of the plot against Sir Launcelot
- 37 – How Sir Launcelot departed from the King and from Joyous Gard
- 38 – How King Arthur and Sir Gawaine invaded Sir Launcelot’s realm
- 39 – Of Sir Mordred’s treason
- 40 – Of Arthur’s last great battle in the west
- 41 – Of the passing of King Arthur
- 42 – Of the end of this book