Episode Synopsis "Networking along the Dirt Roads (with Steve McVey)"
In this episode, we talk with Steve McVey, who through the Dirt roads Network is working to transform rural America by planting and revitalizing life-giving churches in small towns and communities all across the nation.Checkout Steve McVeys website at: Dirtroadsnetwork.com
Listen "Networking along the Dirt Roads (with Steve McVey)"
More episodes of the podcast Stories from the Frontier: Insights from adventurous disciple makers, pioneers, planters and sending church leaders
- Jessica Miller - Illuminate Church
- Jeremy McGarity-Making an influential church even more influential!
- Branden and Jenn Petersen: Planting in a Global City
- Celebrate Sending! (with Keith Loy)
- Multiplying Missional Communities (with Jervie Windom)
- Reaching Women and Changing Lives (with Laura Williams)
- Let's eat and plant churches! (with Mike Weller)
- Following the Holy Spirit, Calling People Out and Multiplying Churches (with Mick Veach)
- Loving a Forgotten City and Church Planting (with Jenn and Rick Legacy)
- Church Planting in your Hometown (with Brandon Shupp)
- Networking along the Dirt Roads (with Steve McVey)
- Racing and the Christian Faith Collide (with Paige Johnson)
- Making Disciples in the Heartland (with Karen Baker)
- Hispanic Church Multiplication (with Nestor Guidino)
- Rapid Church Planting and Oceanwater (with Ryan Delamater)
- Why We Started This Podcast