Story made up by stories behind eyes by host Nancy Rdz . Music is not mine and I am giving credit to rightful owners. Songs with credits are placed in order as story goes. Several times songs are repeated as needed as necessary according of flow of story to avoid any confusion. The first song is repeated several times and a few times the second song. Please be advised all songs are free copyright but as long you give credit to the songs owners. Other songs are strictly free you hear by the anchor podcast ................................................................................................... [Scary and creepy scary song] Come out and play "Creepy Anime Dark Music Box creepypasta horrortale AU Darkiplier] [HD] Thanks for watching and listening.... Make sure to show lits of love and support creative and talented artist Darren Curtis https://youtu.be/wrBEF3QLwCo .................................................................................................. Creepy Horror Song (Music box, piano & simphony) ,, Lorelei's Lullaby" owner of music is RyanCreep https://youtu.be/WZt7YEuLQ1U thanks for watching and listening and don't forget to show love by liking commenting and following me thanks 🤗