POETRY WITH SOME LYRICS I WROTE EXCEPT THE BACKGROUND MUSIC. SO ILL MAKE THIS POETRY AS A SEASON CAUSE MY POETRY ARE BASICALLY LIKE STORIES TOO BUT I'LL MAKE THEM AS NUMBERS 00 01 02 03 04 05 AS AN EXAMPLE. I LIKE RECITING MY POETRY SO HOPE ALL LIKE. Radio is a strong reciting long poem I wrote about someone I liked alot and met on a podcast platform and his name their was oak town radio and I started liking him with time and talked a lil out of that app. He faded from me and I felt very sad and made a poem relating him as it rained one day and it's talking about the rain but also about him. In poem I refer to him as when I say radio and the rain his strong sadness and thunder his madness and overraining as his drinking and other issues he had. It's hard to explain what all is said in this poem cause it's really twisted and confusing but I'll make a video explaining it all .