Episode Synopsis "Why is it necessary to be grateful? Ft. Tanya Bakshi"
"Be grateful", the key mantra to a happy life. In this episode, Tanya Bakshi explains what is positive psychology, to the link of being happy and grateful and what not. This one has helped me a lot, I hope it helps you as well! You can follow Tanya and her organisation on Instagram @tanyabaksii and @teamyouuniverse.
Listen "Why is it necessary to be grateful? Ft. Tanya Bakshi"
More episodes of the podcast Still figuring out!
- Has life changed? Ft. Sarah Haseen
- Our last epiosde
- How to forgive ourselves? Ft.Shayita
- Slacktivism or activism? Ft. Asiya & Sarah
- Are your problems even real? FT. Shalmali Jadhav
- Why is it necessary to be grateful? Ft. Tanya Bakshi
- Why do we admire friends? Ft.Asmi
- Can cinema help in Self Reformation? Ft. Daksh & Abinash
- How to cope up with rejections!? FT. Asiya Zaidi & Parth Singh
- Is there any meaning to life at all!? ft. Sarah Haseen
- Why do we give value to physical beauty!? FT Akriti Srivastava.
- If happiness is a currency then how rich are you? FT PINAKI & TISHA
- How to live in the moment!? FT. Asmi & Sarah Haseen
- Are we trying to be a better version of ourselves or someone people like better? FT. Diya & Shraddha