Episode Synopsis "#38 Jimmy Yanos: Working through setbacks, persistency, and jujitsu"
Jimmy is an engineer for the board of water supply. He's also a practitioner in Brazillian Jujitsu. We discuss going through setbacks, not giving up and self defense through jujitsu. Please give this video a like and subscribe! :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the Staying Konnected podcast! Where we seek stories that connect us with one another. Stories of differences, life lessons, experiences, setbacks, and vulnerabilities in which we can learn from one another and ultimately connect with each other. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- STAY KONNECTED WITH US ON SOCIAL! Instagram: @stayingkonnected Twitter: @stayingkonnect Spotify: Staying Konnected Youtube: Staying Konnected
Listen "#38 Jimmy Yanos: Working through setbacks, persistency, and jujitsu"
More episodes of the podcast Staying Konnected
- Staying Konnected #40: Obviask - Jujitsu, catching up, world events, and goals
- Happy New Year - Hope and our impact
- #39 Alex Nguyen: High school ups and downs, the value of hard work, and reflection
- #38 Jimmy Yanos: Working through setbacks, persistency, and jujitsu
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- #36 Landen Tsuda: Photography, connections, and stories
- #35 Staying Konnected: Kenny Cabanting on media, goals, and aspirations
- #34 Staying Konnected: Alec Catalan on education, dentistry and family
- #33 Staying Konnected: Dr. Kellie Wo reflection on Covid-19; what we did right, wrong, and more.
- #32 Staying Konnected: Kawai Crisostomo Hawaiian culture, practices, identity
- #31 Staying Konnected: Obivask on religion, free speech and what's offense, self defense
- #30 Staying Konnected: Andrew Ahn on the military, investing and career goals.
- #29 Staying Konnected: Kris Kokame on environmental conservation to food influencer.
- #28 Staying Konnected: Steph Kuroda on engineering, food influencer, lessons on life.
- #27 Staying Konnected: Disagreements
- #26 Staying Konnected: Getting past "No"
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- #24 Staying Konnected: Cultural practices - South Vietnam and Philippines
- #23 Staying Konnected: Biggest Inspiration
- #22 Staying Konnected: Q and A part 2, Managing stress, best purchase under $50, switching places with someone.
- #21 Staying Konnected : Frugality and the price of being "cheap"
- #20 Staying Konnected: the path of medical school, struggles, Covid-19 vaccine
- #19 Staying Konnected: Habits - what works and what doesn't
- #18 Staying Konnected: Resolutions, what works and why it doesn't
- #17 Staying Konnected: 2020 wrap up
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- #14 Staying Konnected: Good advice in the industry
- #13 Staying Konnected: first collaboration, Covid-19 Updates, Habits, etc.
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- #11 Staying Konnected: Q and A part 2, bucket list, how did we meet
- #10 Staying Konnected: Q and A, proudest moment, Interview anybody dead or alive, coming to terms
- #9 Staying Konnected: Conflicts with friends and long distance.
- #8 Staying Konnected: Insecurities
- #7 Staying Konnected: Communication in the workplace
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- #5 Staying Konnected: Failures and growth.
- #4 Staying Konnected: Childhood struggles and hardships
- #3 Staying Konnected: Culture shock and adapting to a new environment
- #2 Staying Konnected: Covid-19, how to take advantages of opportunities, and staying ready.
- #1 Staying Konnected: The beginning, who we are, why a podcast