Stats for Lefties, Episode 5: "And You Have The Sheep"

Stats for Lefties, Episode 5: "And You Have The Sheep"

Stats for Lefties

18/10/2019 6:00PM

Episode Synopsis "Stats for Lefties, Episode 5: "And You Have The Sheep""

Originally recorded in October 2019 In this episode of the Stats for Lefties podcast, Paige  and Ell discuss the polls, Britain's political instability and how it  compares to the instability of the 1920s, the new UKIP Leader, the  uselessness of the Remain campaign and the latest Brexit news. This  episode was made possible by our Patreon supporters! Special thanks in  particular go to our amazing $5 supporters: Vincent Calabrese, Alan  Spence, Scott Folan, Chloe Hopkins, Stephen Kaar, Josuke Higashikata,  Adam Green, Harry Jackson, sn and Alex Wilson.

Listen "Stats for Lefties, Episode 5: "And You Have The Sheep""

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