UNSCRIPTED CHILL TALKS - EP 1| Company Culture| EP 5 of Startup Standup with tarang sharma

UNSCRIPTED CHILL TALKS - EP 1| Company Culture| EP 5 of Startup Standup with tarang sharma

STARTUP STANDUP with tarang sharma

10/02/2021 8:00AM

Episode Synopsis "UNSCRIPTED CHILL TALKS - EP 1| Company Culture| EP 5 of Startup Standup with tarang sharma"

Listen #startupstandup​ on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/5hhO4sZ​...  I have already uploaded 4 episodes  1-Welcome to " The Startup World". 2- "The Journey of a woman entrepreneur: Ruma Devi"  3- 2 Sides of the Startup Ecosystem in India  4- BRENDEN KUMARASAMY ON art of public speaking  Startup Standup with tarang sharma is the ULTIMATE business learning platform. If you are interested in business or you want to start your own startup one day then this podcast is just for you. STAY HUNGRY. STAY FOOLISH.  #business #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship#startup #startups #standup #startupstandup#management #businessculture #businessmanagement#company #culture #companyculture #india #investor#investors #investing #industry #industrial #commerce#economy #youth #america #britain #british #london#japan #canada #asia #europe #hustle #hustlehard#keephustling  INSTAGRAM: @startupstandup.tshttps://www.instagram.com/startupstan​...  FACEBOOK: @tarangsharmahttps://www.facebook.com/startupstand​...  TWITTER: @TarangS05218683https://twitter.com/TarangS05218683​  LINKEDIN: @tarangsharma https://www.linkedin.com/in/tarang-sh​...  LIKE.SHARE.SUBSCRIBE TAKE CARE

Listen "UNSCRIPTED CHILL TALKS - EP 1| Company Culture| EP 5 of Startup Standup with tarang sharma"

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