Classes in java

Classes in java

starkins's podcast

30/03/2021 6:38AM

Episode Synopsis "Classes in java"

1.What is a class?.It's a blue print of the object or it defines the behaviour and characteristics of an object.2. What is an object?. It's a real world entity.3. What is an entity?. Anything that data can be stored about.Examples of entities:Car,people,builds and furniture we can story varies data about this entities what type of car or how old is the car.4. What you should never include in your naming of a classi) You should never include embedded symbols eg #,&,?,! and so many more.ii) Never use keywords as names of classeseg public,this,try and so many others5. How to name your classi) We can use letters or underscores and dollar symhol($)ii) The first letter should be a Capital letter ii) If you use a class name with 2 words each first letter should capital eg CarBody6.public class Car{ }7. How to save the classi) remember java is case sensitive hence car and Car not the same entityii) In the event you have many class in one save only the public class.iii) Never save the class using keywords

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