Reverse the Verse: October 2016 Subscriber Town Hall

Reverse the Verse: October 2016 Subscriber Town Hall

Star Citizen Podcast

27/10/2016 4:15PM

Episode Synopsis "Reverse the Verse: October 2016 Subscriber Town Hall"

Today’s Town Hall featured Sean Tracy, Forrest Stephan, and Eric Kieron Davis. During the CitizenCon demo Sean said they get the colour of the sky for free, he expanded on that by saying that now there’s an actual sun that sheds light and then from there to atmosphere conditions determine what you see: Cloudy, clear, etc. The Polaris is confirmed to have size 10 launchers, the PDF hadn’t been updated to reflect the change. When asked about procedural generation and more exotic geometry they said it’s absolutely possible. Currently they view the procedural tech as building the canvas for them and then allowing artists to go in put in some details and create some unique places on the planets that stand out. 90% procedural, 10% Artists, but the 10% is what makes it special. The state of the female avatar is that they’re currently working through the male clothing and fitting it for the female sculpt and the biggest thing is the animations. Sean said there’s about 6000 animations for the male, several which we either haven’t seen or aren’t in the PU yet, so it’s a lot of work to make her come to life. Sean also talked about how yeah they could simply make females the same height and boom, female avatars tomorrow, but females have different proportions and they didn’t want to take the easy way out. When asked if the size of the female avatar will give an advantage in combat because of her slightly smaller side, they said the gains would be minute and if needed be they have ways to balance it out without affecting the visual state. The amount of cores you have will benefit you in Star Citizen now and into the future. Speed is still king currently, but as their tech comes online and their parallelization becomes more efficient, having more cores will benefit you greatly than simply having the “Fastest” processor. The height of the atmosphere is not static, they can increase or decrease it. It’s currently at around 10,000 because of gameplay reasons and how long it would take if it was much higher, but they’re talking and figuring out gameplay ideas for thicker atmospheres. *This was lifted and slightly edited, for use as a podcast, from the Star Citizen YouTube channel. Summary created by INN

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