Episode Synopsis "The Service of Light | The Kindling and Blessing of New Fire - The Rt. Rev. Diane M Jardine Bruce"
The Great Vigil of Easter | Holy Gospel of Mark 16:1-8
Listen "The Service of Light | The Kindling and Blessing of New Fire - The Rt. Rev. Diane M Jardine Bruce"
More episodes of the podcast St. Paul's Episcopal Church Sermons
- On Our Way to Palm Sunday - The Rev. Susan Bek
- It's Not About Fair, It's About Love - The Rev. Susan Bek
- From Doubt to Trust - The Rev. Liz Williams
- A Saviour without Blue Tights - The Rev. Ed Steever
- The Fox, The Hen and The Snake - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Where Should we Look if we Want to See God? - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Love is Seeking the Good in One Another...Love Your Enemies - The Rev. Dr. Dick Swanson
- Blessed to be a Blessing - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Do Not be Afraid - The Rev. Ed Steever
- Can the Study of Scripture Help us Navigate the Questions and Challenges of Our Time? - The Rev. Susan Bek
- The Law of the Lord - Parameters to Live By - The Rev. Dr. Dick Swanson
- Jesus Made A Way - The Rev. Susan Bek
- The Grace of Baptism...Habitual Grace - The Rev. Ed Steever
- What Difference Does it Make that Christmas Happened? - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Christmas Wishes - The Rev. Susan Bek
- An Angel, the Glow Stick and the Admiral - The Rev. Susan Bek
- God is Calling us to Raise Up Those Around Us - The Rev. Dr. Dick Swanson
- Flocking to the Wilderness - The Rev. Ed Steever
- Brought to you by the Number One - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Love Will Find a Way - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Where is Christ in this Picture? - The Rev. Ed Steever
- What is True Power and Authority? - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Go Shine! - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Faithful People and Answered Prayers - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Healing the Brokenness of the World - The Rev. Susan Bek
- The Upside-Down Kingdom - The Rev. Ed Steever
- When a Lobster Whistles on Top of a Mountain - The Rev. Susan Bek
- How Quickly They Forget! Practices for a Christ-Centered Life Step One-Turn - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Go Out into the World...be Kind, be Generous - The Rev. Susan Bek
- The Three Words that Lead to Salvation - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Bread that Satisfies Our Spiritual Hunger - The Rev. Susan Bek
- The Hunger for Righteousness - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Believe in Him Whom He has Sent - The Rev. Ed Steever
- Far More Than All We Can Ask or Imagine - The Rev. Susan Bek
- God Calls Us to be His Cocreator - The Rev. Toni Stuart
- Are God's People True or Have They Gotten off Kilter? - The Rev. Toni Stuart
- There is a Cliff at the Edge of Town Inside Each of Us - The Rev. Ed Steever
- Stealing a Healing and Only Believe - The Rev. Susan Bek
- What Does the Bible REALLY Say About Immigrants, Refugees and the Resident Alien in our Midst - The Rev. Susan Bek
- The Kingdom is at Hand - The Rev. Ed Steever
- Never Underestimate the Importance of Ordinary Things - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Building a Relationship with Our Triune God - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Set Our Hearts on Fire! - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Trusting in Promises - The Rev. Ed Steever
- Abide in my Love - The Rev. Susan Bek
- What in Your Life Needs Pruning? - The Rev. Dr. Dick Swanson
- How Would you Explain the Mystery of Jesus? - The Rev. Dr. Dick Swanson
- What Can I do for You? - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Find Jesus in the Meal - The Rev. Dr. Dick Swanson
- It Wasn't Supposed to Happen this Way - The Rev. Ed Steever
- Are You Willing to be Loved this Much? - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Think of the Difference Love can Make - The Rev. Susan Bek
- The Service of Light | The Kindling and Blessing of New Fire - The Rt. Rev. Diane M Jardine Bruce
- Palm Sunday - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Is My Soul Really Worth it? - The Rev. Susan Bek
- "Bait and Switch?" - The Rev. Ed Steever
- Soon We Shall See a Great Light - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Take up Your Cross and Follow Me - The Rev. Susan Bek
- And the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. - The Rev. Dr. Dick Swanson
- Jesus Changed His Mind - The Rev. Ed Steever
- Ash Wednesday - The Rev. Susan Bek
- How do you Recognize the Lord's Presence in Your Life? - The Rev. Susan Bek
- As One with Authority - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Where did God go? - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Second Sunday After the Epiphany - The Rev. Ed Steever
- Merry Christmas! - The Rev. Dr. Dick Swanson
- Christmas Eve - The Rev. Dr. Dick Swanson
- Christmas Eve Family Service - The Rev. Dr. Cynthia Jew
- Third Sunday of Advent - The Rev. Canon Anthony Guillén
- Second Sunday of Advent - The Rev. Ed Steever
- First Sunday of Advent - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Christ the King - The Rev. Dr. Dick Swanson
- You Did It All to Me - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Prayer Practice - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Blessings from God - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Worth Continuing - The Rev. Susan Bek
- The Cornerstone - The Rev. Ed Steever
- Entering the Kingdom - The Rev. Susan Bek
- It's About Love - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Forgive and Protect - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Forgiveness - The Rev. Ed Steever
- Holding On to Hope - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Who Is Jesus? - The Rev. Gethin Wied
- Be Instruments of Love - The Rev. Susan Bek
- Saying Yes - The Rev. Ed Steever
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- Sharing the Yoke - The Rev. Ed Steever