March 13, 2007 Lenten Retreat: Tuesday Session

March 13, 2007 Lenten Retreat: Tuesday Session

St. Francis of Assisi Parish - Sacramento, CA

05/04/2007 6:28PM

Episode Synopsis "March 13, 2007 Lenten Retreat: Tuesday Session"

“God, Grace & Growth – Not Guilt: Our Lenten Journey” with Fr. Ben Innes, OFM at St. Francis of Assisi Parish on Tuesday March 13, 2007. If you were unable to join us for our Lenten Retreat with Fr. Ben, you can listen to this audio recording from the TUESDAY session. “Lent is a time for us to reconnect with our spiritual self and to grow,” says Fr. Ben. Through his retreats, Fr. Ben seeks “to free people from guilt, to open them up to God’s unlimited love” so that they can “love not fear God” and “be open to God’s plan for each of us.” Please join Fr. Ben for a joyful Lenten experience! Fr. Ben has served 9 years as retreat director for Mission San Luis Rey and 6 years at the Franciscan Renewal Center in Scottsdale, AZ. For more information on St. Francis of Assisi Parish, visit us at:

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