To protect our own data and privacy, we cannot follow the traditional way of thinking that caused the problem. Something has got to change. Self-sovereign identity (SSI) with verifiable claims = simply revolutionary. With that, we created the #SSIToronto to bring together business innovators, technologists and anyone who wants to learn about SSI and contribute to building live and effective SSI solutions.
Latest episodes of the podcast SSI TORONTO
- New Decentralized Business Model Opportunities
- 10 Key Principles of SSI
- SSI Toronto #5 - Embracing Privacy to Fuel Growth
- SSI Toronto #3 Clip 3 - Overview of Existing Covid-19 Verifiable Credential Projects
- SSI Toronto #3 Clip 2 - Advantages of Verifiable Credentials
- SSI Toronto #3 Clip 1 - Verifiable Credentials Technology is Production-Ready
- SSI Toronto #2 Clip 4 - Using SSI to Fuel the Economy
- SSI Toronto #2 Clip 3 - Using SSI in Existing Ecosystems
- SSI Toronto #2 Clip 2 - Using SSI in the Digital World
- SSI Toronto #2 Clip 1 - Introduction to Self-Sovereign Identity
- SSI Toronto #1 Clip 7 - Use Cases 5: Managing Regulatory Compliance
- SSI Toronto #1 Clip 6 - Use Cases 4: Supply Chain Provenance & Verifiable Origins
- SSI Toronto #1 Clip 5 - Use Cases 3: Credential-Based Authorization
- SSI Toronto #1 Clip 4 - Use Cases 2: Instant Customer Onboarding
- SSI Toronto #1 Clip 3 - Use Cases 1: Passwordless Login/Cross-Silo Authentication
- SSI Toronto #1 Clip 2 - The Special Role of Governance Frameworks
- SSI Toronto #1 Clip 1 - Update on Canada's Pan-Canadian Trust Framework
- SSI Toronto #4 Clip 4 - Traceability, Data Quality and Reputations
- SSI Webinar #4 Clip 3 - Identity & Access Management
- SSI Toronto #4 Clip 2 - Using Verifiable Credentials for Onboarding
- SSI Toronto #4 Clip 1 - Ecosystem & the Verifiable Credential Trust Triangle
- SSI Toronto #4 - Self-Sovereign Identity for B2B Transactions
- SSI Toronto #3 - Using Verifiable Credentials to Reopen Our Society and Economy
- SSI Toronto #1 - What are the REAL Problems This New Identity Model Solves?
- How to Use Verifiable Credentials for COVID-19?
- SSI Toronto #2 - A Low-Cost and Low-Risk Solution for Frictionless Customer Experiences
- How does Self-sovereign Identity Work?
- IdentityNORTH Annual Summit 2020: Using Verifiable Credentials for Access Management