Episode Synopsis "Sunday 24th January - Bring a rock to Chapel Sunday"
Bring a rock, stone, pebble, brick or breeze block to this prayerful look at Psalm 62. Use the pause button to elongate the times for prayer. Thanks to Ed, Eleanor, Annie, Esther, the Choir and Mr Wilson for splendid contributions.
Listen "Sunday 24th January - Bring a rock to Chapel Sunday"
More episodes of the podcast SSC Chapel Prayers
- Compline
- Leavers' Service 2021
- Sunday 27th June 2021
- Fathers' Day Service 20.6.21
- 13.6.21 Music Sunday
- Pentecost 2021
- Ascension Sunday
- Sunday 9th May
- Sunday 25th April - Cry 'God for Resurrection, Shakespeare and St George!'
- Sunday 18th April
- The Passion Gospel
- Mothering Sunday 2021
- Foolish Chapel Service for Sunday 7th March
- Sunday 28th February - Space Sunday
- Sunday 7th February Chapel Service
- Sunday 24th January - Bring a rock to Chapel Sunday
- Sunday 17th January - Chapel in Remote
- Shrewsbury School Carol Service 2020
- Advent Sunday chapel service 29:11:20
- Chapel Service Sunday 15th November 2020
- Remembrance week chapel
- Friday Chapel 6.11.20
- Chapel Harvest Service 11.10
- 4.10.20 Chapel Service - sponsored by School House, EDH and MSH
- School Chapel Podcast for Sunday 20.9.20
- Chapel Service Sunday 13th September 2020
- Last Friday of term - Churchill's and John Moore
- Chapel Tuesday 23.6.20 Oldham's and Max Green
- Friday Chapel 19.6.20 sponsored by Severn Hill
- Tuesday Chapel 16.6.20 School House and Issy Wong
- Friday 12.6.20 Chapel - Ridgemount
- Chapel Tuesday 9.6.209 Riggs and Nicola Bradburne
- Trinity Sunday Chapel Service 7.6.20
- Friday 5.6.20 Chapel sponsored by Radbrook
- Tuesday Chapel 2.6.20 sponsored by Ingram's
- Shrewsbury School Chapel Friday 22.5.20 - sponsored by Severn Hill
- Shrewsbury School Tuesday Chapel 19.5.20 - sponsored by Churchill's
- Shrewsbury School Friday 6th Form Chapel, sponsored by Oldham's
- Shrewsbury School Tuesday Chapel - 12:5:20 - sponsored by Ridgemount
- Shrewsbury School Tuesday 5th May Junior School Chapel Service - sponsored by Moser's
- Shrewsbury School Friday 6th form service 1.5.20, sponsored by Emma Darwin Hall
- Shrewsbury School Junior Chapel Service Tuesday 28.4.20 sponsored by School House
- Shrewsbury School Friday 6th Form Chapel 24.4.20
- Palm Sunday Prayers
- 27.3.20 morning prayer
- Shrewsbury School Chapel Service 23/3/20