Episode Synopsis "Ascension Sunday"
Ascension themed. Readings from EDH and Ingram's. Music from the Choir, including a beautiful setting of the Lord's Prayer.
Listen "Ascension Sunday"
More episodes of the podcast SSC Chapel Prayers
- Compline
- Leavers' Service 2021
- Sunday 27th June 2021
- Fathers' Day Service 20.6.21
- 13.6.21 Music Sunday
- Pentecost 2021
- Ascension Sunday
- Sunday 9th May
- Sunday 25th April - Cry 'God for Resurrection, Shakespeare and St George!'
- Sunday 18th April
- The Passion Gospel
- Mothering Sunday 2021
- Foolish Chapel Service for Sunday 7th March
- Sunday 28th February - Space Sunday
- Sunday 7th February Chapel Service
- Sunday 24th January - Bring a rock to Chapel Sunday
- Sunday 17th January - Chapel in Remote
- Shrewsbury School Carol Service 2020
- Advent Sunday chapel service 29:11:20
- Chapel Service Sunday 15th November 2020
- Remembrance week chapel
- Friday Chapel 6.11.20
- Chapel Harvest Service 11.10
- 4.10.20 Chapel Service - sponsored by School House, EDH and MSH
- School Chapel Podcast for Sunday 20.9.20
- Chapel Service Sunday 13th September 2020
- Last Friday of term - Churchill's and John Moore
- Chapel Tuesday 23.6.20 Oldham's and Max Green
- Friday Chapel 19.6.20 sponsored by Severn Hill
- Tuesday Chapel 16.6.20 School House and Issy Wong
- Friday 12.6.20 Chapel - Ridgemount
- Chapel Tuesday 9.6.209 Riggs and Nicola Bradburne
- Trinity Sunday Chapel Service 7.6.20
- Friday 5.6.20 Chapel sponsored by Radbrook
- Tuesday Chapel 2.6.20 sponsored by Ingram's
- Shrewsbury School Chapel Friday 22.5.20 - sponsored by Severn Hill
- Shrewsbury School Tuesday Chapel 19.5.20 - sponsored by Churchill's
- Shrewsbury School Friday 6th Form Chapel, sponsored by Oldham's
- Shrewsbury School Tuesday Chapel - 12:5:20 - sponsored by Ridgemount
- Shrewsbury School Tuesday 5th May Junior School Chapel Service - sponsored by Moser's
- Shrewsbury School Friday 6th form service 1.5.20, sponsored by Emma Darwin Hall
- Shrewsbury School Junior Chapel Service Tuesday 28.4.20 sponsored by School House
- Shrewsbury School Friday 6th Form Chapel 24.4.20
- Palm Sunday Prayers
- 27.3.20 morning prayer
- Shrewsbury School Chapel Service 23/3/20