S&S podcast episode 4 smell of shit from tempelmore

S&S podcast episode 4 smell of shit from tempelmore


20/07/2020 9:00AM

Episode Synopsis "S&S podcast episode 4 smell of shit from tempelmore "

Ireland newest podcast create by two idiots on a Wednesday evening in Shannon and limerick and there actually doing it !!🔥🤣 Talking everything from gaa to irish farmers and just in a general a bit of craic to make ur day a bit better Please support the 2 boys Cus they haven’t a clue wasnt goin on at the moment Contact Shayne and Sam Instagram Shayne_mulrooney_ Samkennedy959 Snapchat Skennedy567 S.mulrooney06 YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCarT1cCMdG6xHOZJCsJoqfQ Soundcloud- https://soundcloud.com/s-s-podcast-official Email- [email protected] This weeks podcast is about smoking , guards , Army , public transportation and bucket list everything and anything ! Subscribe for more use code S&S10 In the https://ascotgarments.com/ store for a discount thanks https://youtu.be/MxokU4ZaOY8 Podcast trailer https://anchor.fm/ss51 Anchor profile https://anchor.fm/ss51 Check out are sponsors https://ascotgarments.com/ Use code - S&S10 Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/4nZoKON3bIvtImBaLwr5i8?si=0MOKR_MuTEqXTAJMhBsqnQ

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