01-11 Just waves, Shoalhaven Heads NSW

01-11 Just waves, Shoalhaven Heads NSW

Squiggly Gum

01/10/2020 8:00PM

Episode Synopsis "01-11 Just waves, Shoalhaven Heads NSW"

Let's finish the season with a long recording of waves at Seven Mile Beach at Shoalhaven Heads NSW. This is almost exactly the same recording location as the previous day -- up on the sandbank between the national park and the beach -- but this time I had the mics pointing straight at the water instead of parallel. So we get stereo waves but no birds.  (I removed an audio spike which sounded like a light tap on the mic. I suspect it was a curious bird checking out the furry wind cover on the recorder. Unfortunately it didn't sing into the mic so I don't know for sure.) Duration: 43:27 Recording date: 23 September 2020

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