The Sensorites

The Sensorites

Spoilers Are Cool!

01/03/2018 5:10AM

Episode Synopsis "The Sensorites"

Hello Whovians! So we are apparently a monthly podcast...I guess ;) We are unveiling our new format: 1. Doctor Who Moment of the Week 2 What tea are we drinking 3. Episode summary/discussion/rating (we are trying to condense this segment...didn't quite work this time. ha!) 4. Hosts Trivia Challenge! OH! and we have a new podcast name! We have switched to "Tea in the TARDIS" Join us in finding out with The Sensorites have to do with the Ood and discover connections to new Who! The music in this is not by us...but we'll update the credits later. The audio is a bit whack in this episode so any tricks of the trade would be most appreciated. Remember to rate us where ever you listen to podcasts and follow us on Instagram at our new @teainthetardispodcast, email us still at [email protected] Until next time!

Listen "The Sensorites"

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