Episode Synopsis "Spirit of the West - Episode 9"
In this installment of Spirit of the West, Commissioner Swyers discusses several of the youth programs that are coming up soon with Territorial Youth Secretary Kyle Smith. Additionally, Rachel Giffey-Brohaugh and Craig Rodriguera from two of this summer's Service Corps mission teams describe their experiences.
Listen "Spirit of the West - Episode 9"
More episodes of the podcast Spirit of the West
- Spirit of the West - Episode 10
- Spirit of the West - Episode 9
- Spirit of the West - Episode 8
- Spirit of the West - Episode 7
- Spirit of the West - Episode 6
- Spirit of the West - Episode 5
- Spirit of the West - Episode 4
- Spirit of the West - Episode 3
- Spirit of the West - Episode 2
- Spirit of the West - Episode 1