Episode Synopsis "Watch out for these common filing season traps"
This week we’re covering some filing season traps that taxpayers can fall into, and what to watch out for to avoid these costly mistakes.
Listen "Watch out for these common filing season traps"
More episodes of the podcast Spidell's California Minute
- Another FUTA payroll tax increase is coming
- Nonresident sole proprietor income taxability
- You don’t have to dissolve a California entity by December 31
- Calculating California tax on trust income
- Parent/child property tax transfers under Prop. 19
- Be the hero: Make sure your clients don’t lose out on withheld amounts
- Inherited basis in joint tenancy assets
- Tips for filing Form FTB 3840
- Help your clients avoid Web Pay errors
- Avoid these causes for POA rejections
- Administrative dissolution for nonoperating businesses
- Remote worker issues: two common scenarios
- What does it mean to be “doing business” in California?
- EDD is auditing loan-out corporations
- Real estate withholding and trusts
- California tax rates: what’s included?
- FTB has started its annual outreach letter campaign
- Worker classification and tax professionals
- Be ready to make the June 17 passthrough entity tax prepayment
- MyFTB multi-factor authentication coming soon
- Are your clients just receiving 2022 LLC fee late-payment notices?
- Property tax increases for partial transfers
- Tax treatment of CalPERS long-term care premium settlement
- Bill would ease passthrough entity tax prepayment requirement
- LLC filing essentials: what every tax pro needs to know
- Improvements made to MyFTB account
- FTB is going after out-of-state preparers
- Key nonconformity issues for 2023 returns
- Watch out for these common filing season traps
- How to become a California nonresident
- Passthrough entities have until end of year to maximize federal tax benefits of elective tax
- Some older POA declarations set to expire December 31, 2023
- Annual tax exemption expiring in 2024 for certain entities
- Splitting refunds when taxpayers divorce
- California conformity/nonconformity to the SECURE 2.0 Act
- Verifying estimated tax payments with the FTB
- One-time penalty abatement implemented
- California tax basis capital account reporting is coming
- Avoid unclaimed property fines: get into compliance
- How gross income from tiered LLCs impacts the LLC fee
- California LLC electing S corporation treatment
- How to handle identity verification notices from the FTB
- Proposition 19 questions answered
- Passthrough entity tax: to elect or not to elect?
- CalSavers and California’s retirement mandate
- The e-pay mandate: don’t combine California estimates
- Going from a SMLLC to a multimember LLC (or vice versa)
- October 16 storm-related postponement traps to watch out for
- Watch out for potential traps when paying passthrough entity taxes
- ERC refunds and California returns, practitioner questions answered
- New business personal property form for short-term rentals
- When do you need to file Form FTB 3840?
- What to do if an LLC filed a partnership return
- No long-term care insurance tax in California...yet
- Help clients avoid tax when retiring outside California
- E-file issues that cause filing rejections
- How to respond when clients call about the new California Paid Sick Leave grants
- FTB continues their outreach letter campaign
- Passthrough entity tax elections and superseding returns
- Know the filing requirements when exchanging California property
- Storm postponements delay June 15 payments
- Nonresident sole proprietor income taxability
- California’s one-time penalty abatement program is now live
- How to minimize the impending SDI tax increase
- More information on the October 16 disaster postponement
- SECURE 2.0 Act conformity issues
- How to become a California nonresident
- Dissolving unused entities
- FTB’s City/County tax information sharing program
- Help clients avoid mandatory e-pay penalties
- Timely information sharing, publicizing form changes, top Spidell’s wish list
- Middle Class Tax Refunds aren’t really tax refunds
- SDI wage base cap eliminated starting in 2024
- June 15 passthrough entity tax prepayment: fiscal year taxpayers, new entities, and more
- How to handle the FTB’s identity verification notices
- Base-year property transfers got a whole lot easier under Proposition 19
- Are California’s Middle Class Tax Refunds subject to federal tax?
- FUTA taxes will increase in January
- Should an entity make additional passthrough entity tax payments before the end of 2022?
- Remember California no longer requires entities to dissolve by December 31
- FTB is sending out “education” letters
- California’s tax benefits for conservancy and efficiency
- Cannabis excise tax changes
- New unclaimed property questions on California tax returns
- Tax basis capital account reporting
- Tax basis capital account reporting
- CalSavers will apply to more employers
- California tax treatment of student loan forgiveness
- Community income and residency: When does California tax out-of-state wages?
- Watch out for erroneous passthrough entity tax refunds
- Mismatched and unclaimed real estate withholding
- Mismatched and unclaimed real estate withholding
- Surprise ruling regarding nonresident sale of partnership interest
- Emergency Proposition 19 rules adopted for parent–child transfers
- Emergency Proposition 19 rules adopted for parent–child transfers
- Payroll tax increases coming in January
- Budget bill provides some tax relief
- Budget bill provides some tax relief
- Passthrough entity elective tax and nonresident withholding
- Top reasons for e-file rejections