Episode 9: Don't Throw Out the Good Stuff

Episode 9: Don't Throw Out the Good Stuff

Spark Starters

09/10/2019 1:00PM

Episode Synopsis "Episode 9: Don't Throw Out the Good Stuff"

The Olathe School District Podcast Team seeks to empower fellow educators by sharing ideas that will spark innovation and help spread effective practices. Our goal of Episode 9 is to help listeners understand the importance of pedagogy, content, and technology working together and to give the listeners a preview of upcoming episodes.TPack Model: http://www.tpack.org/ Video: https://www.commonsense.org/education/videos/introduction-to-the-tpack-model ISTE Educator Standards: https://www.iste.org/standards/for-educators Kristen Lester @KLester02 Ariel Jankord @mrsjankord Ryan Stephans @Coach_Stephans Jordan Billings @MrBillingsClass

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