Episode Synopsis "Episode 17: Real World Connections"
Our goal for this episode is to help listeners understand how you can make real-world connections in the classroom.
Listen "Episode 17: Real World Connections"
More episodes of the podcast Spark Starters
- Episode19: Tools to Help Students Follow Their Passions
- Episode18: Amping Up All Voices
- Episode 17: Real World Connections
- Episode 16: Take Learning to the Next Level
- Episode 15: Making Learning Magical
- Episode 14: Movement in the Classroom
- Episode 13: Idea Smashing - Research-Based Strategies + Technology
- Episode 12: Differentiation to Meet ALL Needs
- Episode 11: Equitable Access (Hour of Code)
- Episode 10: Multi-Age Mentorships
- Episode 9: Don't Throw Out the Good Stuff
- Episode 8: Personalized PD - Choose Your Own Journey
- Episode 6: How do teachers help you feel love and supported?
- Episode 4: Creating an Emotionally Safe Classroom
- Episode 3: Who championed for you?
- Episode 2: Engagement begins with...