Episode Synopsis "Planet Formation"
This is a crash course to planet formation! In this episode, you will learn how planets form from dust grains and gas, the different temperatures and compositions in the disk, and why the planets in our solar system exist where they do. This episode naturally follows the last one, the Physics of Star Formation. It is a bit longer of an episode, but is easy to follow. Enjoy! Note: This music is not mine, you can find it on YouTube and other platforms! Title: Cosmic Storm by A Himitsu
Listen "Planet Formation"
More episodes of the podcast Spaced Out
- Planet Formation
- The Physics Behind Star Formation
- Episode 11: Stellar Evolution- How Stars Form!
- Episode Ten- Mars Perseverance Rover
- Episode Nine- Podcast with Astrophysics Researcher Christine
- Episode Eight- Crew Dragon Launch!
- Episode Seven- The Planets in our Solar System Part 2
- Episode Six- The Planets in our Solar System Part 1
- Episode Five- The Kepler Space Telescope
- Episode Four- Exoplanets
- Episode Three - Dark Matter and Energy
- Episode Two -The Big Bang
- Episode One - Supernovae