Episode Synopsis "My writing goals for the month of May + where I’m at in my writing journey"
In this podcast episode, I’m talking about my writing process and how I’m going about it presently.
Listen "My writing goals for the month of May + where I’m at in my writing journey"
More episodes of the podcast Sometimes I Write
- Cliffhangers: how to write them and use them to keep the readers coming back to your story
- How to find your way out of a writer’s block (my tips + advice)
- My writing goals for the month of May + where I’m at in my writing journey
- I’m back from a long hiatus + my experiences with AI
- Sub plots: what are they and how to use them?
- My process before I hit publish on fiction platforms
- Fix the first chapter of your book. . . here’s how.
- How to use your character’s motivations into writing better stories
- Taking a couple and turning them into a series of their own
- I’m dealing with burnout again. . .
- How to plot a series and do it efficiently
- How to use short stories to enhance your craft
- Basic game-plan to write 2k words/day
- Writing scenes that uncover plot (especially if you’re a pantser)
- What’s the secret glue behind a good story?
- Why feedback is or isn’t important for you
- Is your creative burnout really a burnout or you’re just stuck?
- Accepting burnout
- Using narrative overarching themes to build a series
- Nanowrimo journey (super-scattered mind dump)
- Do you self-edit or professionally edit your book?
- Let’s do some Nanowrimo prep work
- Some mindset shifts you need to have if you want to be a writer
- A message to all the writers out there.
- Why the first few chapters of your book is important. . .
- What you should do with your fade to black characters
- Writing goals for the month of October and my monologue about my mental health
- Why your story needs an antagonist
- Writing goals for the month of September
- August writing goals review
- Why consistency matters in the publishing world
- Protagonist’s flaw and building an ARC team
- How do you find each character’s distinct voice when dealing with multiple protagonists?
- Writing struggles and other things (mid-August check in)
- Writing goals for the month of August
- July writing goals review
- Pantsing vs plotting and what do I use?
- My personal take on writing to market
- My upgraded views on serialised fiction and what it’s made of
- What is deep character POV and how does it work?
- What’s your “why” when it comes to writing
- Writing goals for this month (July)
- Writing struggles and what has worked for me?
- How to approach episodic serial stories if you’re a newbie writer (my tips+tricks)
- What’s all the rage about serialisation of stories?
- Writing mindset feat Anjali
- The Community Vibe on Clubhouse
- Journey back to the writing world
- Sometimes I Write (Trailer)