Alec Baker - Say What's On Your Mind

Alec Baker - Say What's On Your Mind

Something Beautiful

28/10/2020 10:19AM

Episode Synopsis "Alec Baker - Say What's On Your Mind"

Out Now Listen everywhere: First single from debut minialbum "Ballet", released 26 Feb, 2021. Follow Alec Baker; Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Spotify: LYRICS; I can’t be second guessing Anticipating which way you’re stepping  I’m perplexed by all your actions I beg for you to be transparent Cause you rise as the sun is setting And you’re walkin’ in the wrong direction Clarity is all I’m requesting I’m deteriorating from your messing  Please don’t ever let me down You should know me better by now Are we gonna rewind? Are we on the same side? Please don’t ever let me down You should know me better by now Say what’s left behind Say what’s on your mind Which way are we heading For the good days I’m reminiscing  Let’s relive old moments of harmony and devotion I’m approaching your direction So we can re-ignite this Let us really try this Take the leap be fearless Thanks for listening

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