EPISODE 3_SJRCW PE&S International Webinar Day-2 Dr.Shyam Narayan Singh - Scientific Aspects of Lever

EPISODE 3_SJRCW PE&S International Webinar Day-2 Dr.Shyam Narayan Singh - Scientific Aspects of Lever


16/02/2021 3:02AM

Episode Synopsis "EPISODE 3_SJRCW PE&S International Webinar Day-2 Dr.Shyam Narayan Singh - Scientific Aspects of Lever"

The lever is a movable bar that pivots on a fulcrum attached to a fixed point. The lever operates by applying forces at different distances from the fulcrum, or a pivot. For your arm, leg or any body part to move the appropriate muscles and bones must work together as a series of levers. A lever amplifies an input force to provide a greater output force, which is said to provide leverage. The ratio of the output force to the input force is the mechanical advantage of the lever. Anatomical leverage system can be used to gain a mechanical advantage. Improve simple or complex physical movements. Some habitually use human levers properly. Some develop habits of improperly using human levers. The mechanical advantage of a lever can be determined by considering the balance of moments or torque. Torque is the turning effect of an eccentric force. Eccentric force is the force applied in a direction not in line with the center of rotation of an object with a fixed axis. In objects without a fixed axis it is an applied force that is not in line with object's center of gravity. For rotation to occur an eccentric force must be applied. Class 1 lever built for equilibrium, class 2 lever for saving effort and class 3 lever for speed and range of movement.

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