Episode 2 _SJRCW PE&S International Webinar Day-1 Dr.Rakesh Tomar - Wellness Building Right Approach in Pandemic

Episode 2 _SJRCW PE&S International Webinar Day-1 Dr.Rakesh Tomar - Wellness Building Right Approach in Pandemic


05/02/2021 4:55PM

Episode Synopsis "Episode 2 _SJRCW PE&S International Webinar Day-1 Dr.Rakesh Tomar - Wellness Building Right Approach in Pandemic"

The past couple weeks have been an adjustment for everyone. As we all navigate this COVID-19 pandemic by social distancing and staying home, personal health is of the utmost importance. The food we eat, our fitness activities and our at-home habits all influence our health and wellness.Considering that most of us are experiencing a shift in our daily routines, reviewing our behaviors and decisions can help make this adjustment smoother and, hopefully, healthier. Healthy IU has put together a helpful list of wellness resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Registered dietitian Steven Lalevich has some tips for strengthening your personal well-being through this unprecedented time.

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