Episode Synopsis "Monica Matlock"
Monica Matlock is a proud Mother of two beautiful children. She’s also a loving daughter and sister. Throughout the years of her self development journey, her interests and passions lead her to become a Reiki Master, Shaman, and entrepreneur. Continual self development, and her sincere desire to show others their own light and capabilities they carry within themselves already, is where her heart, thrives. Thanks for joining us on this soulful journey today! We hope this episode added a sprinkle of joy to your day and a dash of inspiration to your soul. Don't forget to follow us on https://www.instagram.com/angieleitnaker/ for behind-the-scenes moments and updates. If you enjoyed today's sip of wisdom, please share the love by leaving a review and subscribing. Until next time, keep sipping, keep soaring, and keep the soul vibes alive! Cheers to a life filled with love, laughter, and endless inspiration. Stay soulful, beautiful souls!