Episode Synopsis "Chanuka - The Aftermath Nerot, Sol Invictus and Christianity English"
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More episodes of the podcast Shabbos Shiur by R' Ari Bergmann
- Beshalach 5783 - The Shira and Writing in Gaps
- Bo 5783 - Galut and Geula - The Dual Independent Variable
- Va'era 5783 - Elokey Avraham and the Divine Perception of the Avot
- Shemot 5784 - I Will Be that I Will Be - Our Role in Revelation
- Vayehi 5783 - Malchut Beit David - The Unique Jewish Theocracy
- Vayigash 5784 - The Uniqueness of Asarah Betevet on Erev Shabbos
- Chanuka - The Aftermath Nerot, Sol Invictus and Christianity English
- Vayshlach 5783 - Yaakov, Israel and the Therapy of Sleep
- Vayetze 5783 - Consilience - The Truth of Yaakov
- Toldot 5783 - The Marriage of Esav Fusion of Thinking Fast and Slow
- Chaye Sarah 5783 - Marriage and the Scale
- Lech Lecha 5783 - Avraham's Unique Perception of Hashem
- Noach 5783 - The Dove's Rest on Shabbos
- Bereshit Birkat Hachodesh - Birkat Hachodesh and the Rectifying of the Moon
- Sukkot - Rain or Shine: The Dual Message of the Sukkah
- YK 5785 - The Inner Truth of Yom Kippur - No Ifs, Ands or Buts
- Rosh Hashana 5785
- Chukat 5783 - Parah Adumah and the Purification of Ets HaDa'at
- Shelach 5783 - Nesahim and Challah - The Double Confusion of Etz HaDa'at
- Aharey Mos 5783 - The Cloud of the Ketoret and the Controversy of the Sadducees
- Pesach 5783 - Haggadah - Memory versus History
- Vayakhel 5783 - The Aron Habrit and the Dual Nature of the Mishkan
- Ki Tisa 5783 - The Transitionfrom Paleo-Hebrew to Ashurit - From the Visual to the Transcendental
- Tetzaveh 5783 - Emunah and Bitachon in Challenging Times
- Mishpatim 5783 - The Development of the Relationship with Hashem
- Yitro 5783 - Derech Eretz Kadma LaTorah and the Advice of Yitro
- Beshalach 5783 - The Shira and Writing in Gaps
- Bo 5783 - Galut and Geula - The Dual Independent Variable
- Va'era 5783 - Elokey Avraham and the Divine Perception of the Avot
- Vayehi 5783 - Malchut Beit David - The Unique Jewish Theocracy
- Chanuka 5783 - The Aftermath of Chanuka - Nerot, Sol Invictus and Christianity
- Parashat Vayishlach - Yaakov, Israel and the Therapy of Sleep
- Vayetze 5783 - Consilience - The Truth of Yaakov
- Toldot 5783 - The Marriage of Esav Fusion of Thinking Fast and Slow
- Chaye Sarah 5783 - Marriage and the Scale
- Pirkey Avos: The Second and Third Pairs
- Pirkey Avos - The First Pair
- Tisha B'av 5783
- AI Part 2
- Artificial Intelligence in the Thought of R Zadok Hakohen
- Rus and Bigdey Shabbos
- The Avoda of Sefirat Ha’Omer and Lag Ba’Omer
- Pesach and the Role of Questions
- Zachar Unekeva Final
- Zachar Unekeva 4
- Zachar Unekeva 3
- Zachar Unekeva 2
- Zachar Unekeva
- Malchus Beis Dovid
- The Shevatim and the Levels of Torah
- Yosef, Shimon and Yehuda: The Revealed and the Concealed
- Dinah, Shimon and Shechem
- The Shevatim and the Role of the Individual
- Esav
- Yishmael
- Sdom
- Hilchot Shofar
- The Inner Voice of the Shofar
- The Three Dimensions of Prozbul: Halakhah, Machshavah and Academics
- Shmitas Kesafim and Pruzbul - The Synthesis of Shmiita
- Tekios versus Slichos - The Sfas Emes Approach to Elul
- Pirkey Avos: The Introduction to Torah She Be'al Peh #4
- Tisha BeAv 5782
- Pirkey Avos: The Introduction to Torah She Be'al Peh #3
- Pirkey Avos: The Introduction to Torah She Be'al Peh #2
- Pirkey Avos - The Introduction to Torah She Be'al Peh
- Torah she'Bikhtav and She B'al Peh: The Two Dimensions of Yichud
- Birkas Kohanim - The Paradigm of Talmud Torah
- From Mattan Torah to Boaz - The Power of the Individual
- Shmitta and the Power of Unity
- The Three Dimensional Message of Parshat Emor
- Unity and Inner Kedusha
- VaChai Bahem - Mitzvot as the Conduit of Life
- Shabbat HaGadol - When Shabbos Became Great
- Shabbos Parshas HaChodesh: From Past to Future
- The Unity of Sha'ar HaChamishim: The Source of Tahara
- Vaiykra - Finding our Mission
- Pekudei - From the Individual to the Whole
- Equalizing as the Portal to Transcendence
- Shabbos - The Experience of Luchos Harishonos
- The Physical and the Spiritual - The Dimensions of Chesed and Din
- The Exoteric and the Esoteric - The Dual Dimension of Reality
- Shmitta at Har Sinai - The Communal Experience
- Acquiring the Gift - Our Approach to Torah
- The Multiple Facets of Tefillin
- The Avos: The Introduction to Torah
- The Duality of Perception
- Yosef and Yehuda - A New Perspective
- The Uniqueness of Chanukah
- Binding Sheaves - The Preparation for Shabbos
- Shabbos - The Intersect between Time and Space
- Sulam - The Dual Ascension
- Tfilos Avos Tiknum - The Experiential Prototype
- Olam Chesed Yibaneh: Taming and Channeling Chesed
- Zachor/Shamor and Milah/Peri'ah: The Two Dimensions of Bris
- Shabbos II - The Dual Dimension of the Whole
- Shabbos - The Synthesis of Creation
- Hoshana Rabba
- Teshuva - "Blackbox Thinking" in Practice
- Experiencing the Tefilos of RH - Ramchal's Ma'amar Hachochma as a Guide